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Gure langileak esperientzia handiko prestakuntzaren bidez. Adituen ezagutza trebea, laguntza zentzu indartsua, bezeroen zerbitzuen eskaerak asetzeko Fabrikako prezioetarako esportazioetarako. Gainera, gure enpresak kalitate handiko eta kostu merkean mantentzen du, eta OEM enpresa bikainak aurkezten dizkiegu marka ospetsu askori.
Gure langileak esperientzia handiko prestakuntzaren bidez. Adituen ezagutza trebea, laguntza zentzu indartsua, injekzio bidezko moldaketa makina errendimendu praktikoetarako Gure I + G sailak moda ideia berriekin diseinatzen du beti, hilero moda estilo eguneratuak sar ditzagun. Ekoizpenaren kudeaketa sistema zorrotzek beti bermatzen dituzte kalitatezko eta egonkorreko ondasunak. Gure merkataritza taldeak zerbitzu puntualak eta eraginkorrak eskaintzen ditu. Gure produktuen inguruko interesa eta kontsultarik izanez gero, garaiz jarri beharko zenuke gurekin harremanetan. Zure ohorezko enpresarekin negozio harremana ezarri nahi genuke.
Toyo 450t elektrikoa erabiliko injekzioa Machine

Model: Si-450III
Urtea: 2005. 
Tornuak diametroa: 60mm. 
Tie bar arteko tartea: 870x870mm. 

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Hainbat unitateak eskuragarri. Makinak lan-egoera onean daude, gure biltegi batean gordetzen Txinako Shenzhen at, HongKong eta Guangzhou oso gertu. Interesa duten bezeroek, gurekin bisitatu ahal Chinaplas ondoren proba-run makinak pizteko.




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Electric motor Armature repair, NEVER TRY THIS EVER! Electricity can and will kill you if your are not careful, if you have a bad armature, replace it, do not try to repair it, this only shows you the mechanics of an armature and this probably won't last long. I ended up using a brass brush instead, the copper did not last long, and don't forget to clean your graphite brushes with light sanding. I also put a heat resistant ring around both ends of the armature brushes cut out of tubing and glued them in, this worked good at holding the brush in place. Any time you experiment with motors they can hold a spark for a long time after you are done so make sure you watch your project for a while after to prevent any fire hazard. Again don't ever do this just replace the armature with a brand new one, or better yet get a new tool. The cost for a new tool is similar to an armature cost, this is desert island science, for those people stranded on an island with nothing but spare parts. keep inventing'

Heat Transfer Printing Machine, is a kind of machine which transfer the patterns from labels, this is a cheap and easy way to make some decorations on the painting buckets, basins, containers. It don't have requirements on the molds and injection molding machine compared with IML (IN Mold Labeling ) injection. Sino Holding can supply this kinds of machine. welcome to contact us.







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