2018 Kwalità Tajba Soda Pet Preform Flixkun tal-Plastik Magni għall-Injezzjoni 438 tunnellata Magni

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With our leading technology as well as our spirit of innovation,mutual cooperation, benefits and growth, we will build a prosperous future collectively with your esteemed firm for 2018 Good Quality Sonly Pet Preform Plastic Bottle Injection Molding Machine 438 Ton, Welcome to arrange long-term marriage with us. Most effective Selling price Forever Quality in China.
Bit-teknoloġija ewlenija tagħna kif ukoll bl-ispirtu tagħna ta 'innovazzjoni, kooperazzjoni reċiproka, benefiċċji u tkabbir, aħna nibnu futur prosperu kollettivament mad-ditta stmata tiegħek għall- Magna tal-Moulding tal-Injezzjoni tal-Fliexken tal- , Pet Preform Molding Injection Machine , Magna tal-Moulding tal-Injezzjoni tal-Flixkun tal-plastik , "Create Values,Serving Customer!" is the aim we pursue. We sincerely hope that all customers will establish long term and mutually beneficial cooperation with us.If you wish to get more details about our company, You should contact with us now!
Ġappun Sumitomo Użat Magni tal-Iwweldjar tal-Injezzjoni tal-Plastik

Mudell: SG150U
Dijametru tal-kamin: 50mm
Tie bar spazjar: 510x510mm
Sena: 1995

Magna għandha veloċità għolja bl-akkumulatur. Jintuża biex isiru prodotti żgħar ta 'preċiżjoni għolja.
Magna tinsab f'kundizzjoni tajba ta 'xogħol. Ix-xerrej interessat huwa milqugħ jispezzjona u jittestja l-magna mmexxija.

Immaġni tal-Prodott

During the 1980's the plastic making industry in Taiwan began to take off with many companies subcontracting their operations to Taiwanese suppliers. Through ...

Heat Transfer Printing Machine, is a kind of machine which transfer the patterns from labels, this is a cheap and easy way to make some decorations on the painting buckets, basins, containers. It don't have requirements on the molds and injection molding machine compared with IML (IN Mold Labeling ) injection. Sino Holding can supply this kinds of machine. welcome to contact us.





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