Fornitur ODM Veloċità bil-Mutur tal-Magni tal-Iffurmar tal-Injezzjoni tal-Mutur

Dettall tal-Prodott

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For being the stage of realizing dreams of our employees! To build a happier, much more united and much more expert staff! To reach a mutual gain of our prospects, suppliers, the society and ourselves for ODM Supplier Speed Servo Motor Injection Molding Machine, Sincere cooperation with you, altogether will make happy tomorrow!
Biex tkun l-istadju tat-twettiq tal-ħolm tal-impjegati tagħna! Biex tibni staff kuntent, ħafna iktar magħqud u ħafna aktar espert! Biex nilħqu qligħ reċiproku tal-prospetti tagħna, il-fornituri, is-soċjetà u lilna nfusna għal Servo Injection Molding Machine , Magna tal-Moulding tal-Injezzjoni Servo Motor , Speed ​​Injection Molding Machine , Since its foundation , the company keeps living up to the belief of "honest selling , best quality , people-orientation and benefits to customers. " We're doing everything to supply our customers with best services and best solutions . We promise that we are going to be responsible all the way to the end once our services begin.
Niigata 650t Magni għall-Iwweldjar tal-Injezzjoni tal-Plastik użat bis-sħiħ bl-elettriku

Mudell: MD650S-IV.

Dijametru tal-kamin: 90mm.

Spazjar tal-bar tie: 950x950mm.

Sena: 2006.

Magna tinsab f'kundizzjoni tajba ta 'xogħol, miżmuma fil-maħżen tagħna f'ShenZhen taċ-Ċina, viċin ħafna ta' Hongkong u Guangzhou. Klijenti interessati jistgħu jżuruna wara Chinaplas biex jaħdmu fuq magni għal test-run.


Immaġni tal-Prodott

Angelelec DIY Open Source Lg-Ns Robot Gripper,Makes a Great Addition to a Small ARM or Mobile Base,Injection Molded Components and Can Use Two Standard Hobby Servos (Not Included) for Open and Rotate: Original Informatique. Pour plus d'informations sur ce produit et à l'achat. S'il vous plaît visitez: Merci!

Angelelec DIY Open Source Lg-Ns Robot Gripper, Jagħmel Żieda Kbira għal ARM Żgħir jew Bażi Mobbli, I

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